Monday, July 6, 2009

Ok, so I lied.

Ok, so instead of bidding facebook farewell, I decided to keep using it, and have ALSO embraced Twitter. Dear me. Somehow my days are still productive. Kind of. I've been reinspired to start writing, especially after viewing this woman's website/blog, and after prodding from my mother, who said, after I told her "I'm going to take my photography more seriously", replied "how about taking your writing more seriously?" So mom, this one's for you. I have a lot to write about, but sorry, that goes in the private journal...You know, the old fashioned paper kind? How about I share some of the incredible things I come across on the internet during the long hours in which I have nothing to do at work? This is potentially the best education I have ever had. Take, for example, this social commentary on what Disney princesses are up to these days. I could even start learning ancient Greek as I read the 800 pages of the oldest Christian Bible, which is now stored online. Perhaps I should work on my Korean first. I've got the alphabet down, I learned in it 3 hours via youtuble last year. That's the easy part. But there's no point being able to read if you have no idea what all the words mean! Time to work on the vocab.
I have also started subscribing to cooking blogs, ha! Ironic, since I don't really cook (beyond toast and sachets of South East Asian delights) but it is sure nice to stare at all those delicious looking pictures, and to think of a day when I will have access to ingredients like "agave nectar"...Also, speaking of cooking and the like, I recently bought some expensive Gouda and Mozzerella (I discovered the British pronouce the former "Gow-der" instead of "Gooda" as we do in the Americas, sigh, I feel so ignorant) anyways, I saw that "calf rennet" was listed as an ingredient for both cheeses...I immedietely googled it and discovered that it is made from calf stomach! Gross! I was put off cheese for a week. The whole episode made me want to be a "only yoghurt eating vegan". Why am I so susceptible to my imagination? I'm just like the main character in the "Edible Woman". Although my friend has recently compared me to Miss Havisham. Hopefully I don't go insane, but I love being compared to great characters in literature. Why do Koreans always comapre me to Paris Hilton? For God's sake. Please, step it up a rung to Uma Thurman! I've had my own little taste of stardom recently: I've been biking to work and back, about 32Km daily, and attracted both national and provincial TV! I've been called "Wonder Woman" and I've even been recognized while buying groceries at E-Mart. The whole experience of a little fame has been more exhausting than riding my bike, and I will never, ever, trust what I see on TV again. News = scripted reality. Not even reality. As if I wasn't suspicious to begin with, being a film student and all.

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